The Town of Winneconne is under a town-wide contract with Harter's Lakeside Disposal Phone: 1-833-754-2158
This contract is for pickup and hauling of garbage and recyclables on a weekly basis for residential homes. Our recyclables are taken to the Winnebago County Landfill by the hauler for processing. Town of Winneconne residents are conscientious of our environment and are doing a GREAT JOB with our recycling. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
The annual fee for the garbage and recycling service is included on your tax bill as a Code 13 charge. This fee is billed in advance for the following year. If your new home was completed during the tax year, you will be billed separately for the balance of the year and your next year’s service will be on the tax bill you receive in December.
2025 Trash & Recycling Calendar
Garbage and Recycling Guidelines
~Place garbage and recyclables out at curbside by 6:00 am.
~Mix ALL of these recyclables for collection with single stream. – DO NOT tie or bundle paper. DO NOT put any plastic bags in the recycle tote:
- Newspaper – all sections
- Corrugated Cardboard – Boxes flattened, no larger than 3’ by 3’.
- Magazines and Catalogs
- Junk Mail and Envelopes
- Office and Writing Paper
- Fiberboard – Soda and beer wraps, cereal and cracker boxes, etc.
- Phone Books
- Paperback Books
- Hardcover Books
- Aluminum Cans – Rinsed
- Tin Cans – Rinsed, label removal is not required
- Aerosol Cans – are NOT recyclable
- Glass – Any color food and beverage containers (NO broken dishes or mirrors).
- Plastic – Narrow-necked bottles marked #1 and #2, also #2 Coffee Containers
- Pizza Boxes - are recyclable
It is still important to rinse your cans/bottles to remove food and liquid. This is especially important with single stream, where paper and container recyclables share your recycling tote or bin.
DO NOT Recycle –
- Plastic engine oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid and wide mouth #2 containers - except coffee containers
- Paper with food on it (pizza boxes)
- Toilet paper or diapers
Special Items
- White Goods – (refrigerators, etc) may be taken to county landfill for a fee.
- Latex Paint – dried latex paint in cans can be picked up with garbage
- Oil Based Paint – should be taken to the Winnebago County Hazardous Waste Facility.
- Brush and Grass Clippings – may be taken to county landfill for a fee or recycled on your own property.
- Batteries – may be taken to landfill for a fee.
- Furniture and Other Large Items – may be taken to landfill for a fee.
- Asbestos Materials – must be Outagamie County landfill, call (920) 832-5277
Christmas Tree Disposal
- Christmas trees and wreaths should be taken to the Winnebago County Landfill or they may be burned on your own property, not in the road right-of-way, according to the conditions of the Town burning ordinance.
Winnebago County Landfill is located at 100 W. County Road Y
Hours are 7am to 3pm and Saturdays 7am to Noon
Landfill Telephone Number: 232-1800
Winnebago County Hazardous Waste Information